Dashing Through FCS with Santa 2022
December 3, 2022
Santa made a stop at Fitzmaurice Community Services to see our individuals and staff families.
December 3, 2022
Santa made a stop at Fitzmaurice Community Services to see our individuals and staff families.
October 31, 2022
FCS hosted its 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat! Our individuals and staff dressed up in their finest costumes and decorated the trunks of the company vehicles. The weather held out long enough for everyone to fill their bags with candy, vote for their favorite decorated trunk, and of course a dance party!
September 24, 2022
Beth Booterbaugh and Chris Bumford attended the 1st Annual Suicide Prevention Event sponsored by the Suicide Prevention Coalition, Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church, and CMP MH/DS on 9/24/22. There was free food, giveaways, bounce houses for kids, live music and many distinguished guests and speakers from the community. They also did a remembrance walk around the block in honor of all those lost to suicide.
September 13, 2022
FCS is back at it making memories at Camp Canadensis. Although only a day trip, both staff and the individuals had a great time with the many activities camp has to offer and catching up with friends.
June 2022
The Special Olympics Summer games have come to an end for the year. Many of our individuals competed at the local level and won medals! We even had some athletes place in the State Level competitions at Penn State University! Congratulations to all the athletes on a job well done. We look forward to seeing you compete again next year!
June 8, 2022
After a 2-year hiatus due to Covid, FCS finally fired up the grills for a BBQ!! What a wonderful turnout we had and the individuals had a blast. We played Cornhole, Giant Jenga, Giant Connect 4, there was even some singing and dancing. A big shout out to the staff and volunteers that helped make the event a success!
May 3, 2022
FCS attended Community Night hosted by Monroe County’s Children’s Roundtable in early May. Deb Scocozza commented, “I was happy to attend the Community Night with over 100 non-profits who provide services in our community. It was a great opportunity to speak one-on-one with people and offer assistance, if needed.”
Pictured left to right: Sherri Schenke, Deb Scocozza, and Joan Menhennett
WNEP’s Laurie Monteforte dropped in the Library Cafe to see how we were doing Friday, February 8th – Click the link and see how it’s going!
WNEP Visits the Library Cafe
Yet another Camp Canadensis trip under the belt for staff and clients of FCS. From wall climbing, to a boat ride, to some fun indoor board games when the weather didn’t cooperate, it was a great time!
Will proved his ABILITY and took the leadership role within the cafe from the first few weeks of his employment. Will’s co-worker, Korey, commented “Will deserves the promotion! He worked hard for it… He’s dedicated to his work, always looking a step ahead, and is a great leader!” Stop by the Library Cafe and congratulate Will on his new position!
June, 2018
FCS clients and staff always have a blast at the annual Baseball BBQ held at the American Legion in East Stroudsburg. All enjoy catching up with friends, meeting new friends, playing some baseball and eating great burgers and dogs.
March 29, 2018
Fitzmaurice Community Services welcomed two individuals from Hamburg State Center, and another client from Stroudsburg, opening a new group home in Kunkletown.
The individuals moving from the Hamburg State Center have been hospitalized for over 30 years. FCS was very excited to introduce these individuals to a whole new world of possibilities, now living in a residential setting and becoming a part of our community.
On March 29th, members of FCS’s Consumer Quality Council, Patty H., Scott K., Dale K., and President & CEO, Liz Koster delivered welcome packages to all that have recently been relocated. Baskets with cozy pillows and throw blankets were gifted along with some of the client’s favorite things like nail polish, arts and crafts. All were delighted by FCS’s hospitality and surprised with all of the new faces visiting their homes.
FCS’s Consumer Quality Council offered the new clients contact information if needed to discuss advocacy, or have any questions about services and community involvement. We’re building brighter futures, and making “being home” a reality.
Over 13 years ago Fitzmaurice Community Services, Inc. (FCS) presented a proposal to the Eastern Monroe Public Library to start up a coffee shop run by individuals with disabilities, and HERE WE ARE! The first of its kind Library Café in Monroe County opened in December, 2017!
The Café supports individuals with disabilities who desire to work and seek inclusion and productivity in the community, while also providing library patrons quality coffee and snacks at an affordable price. The amenity of coffee and refreshments served by individuals with disabilities will be an inspiration to all who visit.
All purchases support the mission of FCS to empower persons with disabilities to realize their abilities and have meaningful employment in their community.
Nathaniel Hicks has won the Frontline Manager of the Year Award for Pennsylvania’s Northeastern Region from PAR, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s leading disability provider and advocacy association for people with autism and intellectual disability. Hicks received his award at the PAR Annual Solutions Conference “We Are Worth It.” Awards Ceremony, on October 23, 2017, in Harrisburg, PA., at the Harrisburg Hilton Hotel.
Hicks is being honored and recognized for his extraordinary leadership for the past 28 years as a frontline manager for Fitzmaurice Community Services of Stroudsburg, PA, supervising a group home with four individuals who have an intellectual disability or autism. His colleagues at Fitzmaurice Community Services describe the efforts of Hicks and his team as embodying the very best of the Commonwealth’s Office of Developmental Program’s vision for enhancing and enriching individuals with autism or intellectual disability to live Everyday Lives.
Hicks leads a team that empowers individuals to embrace employment, community engagement, building social networks, and a wide variety of personal choices ranging from activities, home décor, visitors, food choices, and more. As the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania moves to increasing individual choice and community integration, Hicks has put these best practices in place for years as the norm in the home he manages.
The families of the individuals supported by Hicks regard him as a caring and loving individual, a view shared by the Direct Support Professionals who work under his leadership. His employees tend to stick around, modeling his extraordinary style of engagement and consistency.
Every year in the Poconos companies and individuals come together to raise money for local non-profit organizations. This year the 14th annual Pocono Mountains Community Fundraiser is helping out five non-profits. The event was held at the Kahlahari Resort the night of July 20th where Fitzmaurice Community Services Foundation was the recipient of a $20,000 grant.
Fitzmaurice Community Service sought a grant proposal to fund equipment and start-up costs for the first of its kind Library Café in Monroe County. The Café will be located inside of the Monroe/Hughes Library on North 9th St., and employ individual with disabilities through its current Employment Services Department. The Pocono Mountains Community Challenge Fund honored FCS’s request for $20,000.
More about the Library Café:
The Café will support individuals with disabilities who desire to work and seek inclusion and productivity in the community. FCS will assist these individuals through our Employment and Job Coaching services to enhance skills and maintain gainful employment.
FCS will provide library patrons quality coffee and pastries at an affordable price, adding to their overall library experience. The amenity of coffee and refreshments served individuals with disabilities will be an inspirational to all who visit.
This new amenity will include catered coffee and refreshment services to businesses and organizations utilizing the conference area.
For more information contact Deb Scocozza at dscocozza@fitzmaurice.org, or call (570) 213-4316.
Acceptance of the developmentally disabled and those with mental illness into northeastern Pennsylvania communities began in 1966. That year was partly a period of freedom for those housed in state institutions and mental hospitals. But, what came with this freedom was a growing need for shelter and services for those discharged from the institutions.
Programs were developed to address the growing need for homes and Johanna Fitzmaurice was contacted. She decided to take six gentlemen from White Haven State Center into her home while they transitioned into their new lives. This marked the beginning of the human service organization Fitzmaurice Community Services and its legacy of, “Building Brighter Futures for Adults with Disabilities.”
The last half century has been busy and productive for Fitzmaurice Community Services providing specialized services to adults with developmental and behavioral health disorders, the first thing on Koster’s mind as the organization’s 50th year anniversary approaches is how much things have changed within the community at large. “I’ve been thinking about how services have evolved over these past 50 years,” said Koster. Very few persons are living in state institutions or state mental hospitals in Pennsylvania today. Support for families has greatly improved and convers are now finding that they are truly part of our community.
Watch our 50th Anniversary Video…
Fitzmaurice Community Services, Inc., a leading provider for enriching lives for people with Disabilities for nearly 50 years, is proud to pay tribute to Amy Cunha, L.P.N., and Director of Health Services.
Amy has exceeded FCS’s promise to our clients and families by providing care that promotes wellness, success, and recovery. Behavioral and medically complicated disabilities can effect everyone, and with the professional and compassionate services provided by the FCS’s Director of Health Services, Amy, communication lines remain open, treatment plans are followed, and medical and behavioral health complications are monitored. From Group Home well visits, medication administration training, assisting with Psychiatric evaluation and management, healthcare equipment training and education, Amy has us covered!
Not only is Nurse Amy a leader within the FCS organization, but a leader in the community respected by health care professionals, clients, their families, FCS staff, and other community providers. She is truly an asset to FCS and the community!
(STROUDSBURG) Michael Baxter & Associates Commercial Real Estate & Property Management (MB&A) has announced the second High Five Charity Auction to be held Thursday, October 9th, 2014.
This year’s participating organizations are Fitzmaurice Community Services, Gregory W. Moyer Defibrillator Fund, Mady’s Angels, Monroe County Meals on Wheels and Pocono Health System Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care.
High Five Charity Auction 3 will be a live auction event held at Desaki Restaurant on Rt 611 in Swiftwater and offer the opportunity to bid on commercial real estate as well as travel, entertainment and/or other products and services. All real estate sold will donate a minimum of $5,000 of the winning bid. The seller and buyer will be able to select the receiving organization(s) for their portion of the donation. All other items sold will benefit the sponsoring charity directly.
Michael J. Baxter, Broker/Owner of Michael Baxter & Associates Commercial Real Estate said, “Our firm has always been fully committed to serving our clients as well as the community and the High Five Charity Auction is a perfect combination of the two. Last year was a huge success for all involved and we look forward to an even better outcome this year. It’s also not too late for owners to have the opportunity to include their property if you call today.”
This year’s participating charities are excited to be involved and had this to say;
“The Fitzmaurice Community Foundation is thrilled to be one of this year’s recipients of the proceeds from the Michael Baxter & Associates Hive Five Charity Auction.
This generosity helps make it possible for us to continue to fund the unmet needs of our most vulnerable citizens. We are very grateful.” Says Liz Koster, President & CEO.
Rachel Moyer of the Gregory W. Moyer Defibrillator Fund shared “I am overjoyed to be part of this community event and to grow awareness about automated external defibrillators (AEDs) & how they must be placed in every school & facility where kids gather. “Got AED?” is a question that every person should be able to answer from Kindergarten to a senior citizen facility. AEDs should be in every location where the public gathers! They are easy to use & save lives!”
Laura Law, President of Mady’s Angels “is excited to have been chosen as one of the organizations to benefit from a portion of the funds raised from the High Five Charity Auction, so that we can continue to pay it forward in our community.”
Executive Director Mimi Mikels of Monroe County Meals on Wheels is “honored and thrilled to have been chosen to participate in this unique charity event. The generosity of businesses and individuals in Monroe County never ceases to amaze me and as a leader in its field, once again Michael Baxter & Associates is leading. The proceeds from this event will help us purchase meals for those who are unable to pay for the meals themselves. We hope that again this year our community will step up with support for all of the participants.”
Mark Hodgson of Pocono Health System Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care shares: “It is very exciting to be selected as one of the non-profit organizations in this year’s High Five Charity Auction. This auction gives non-profits the opportunity to use these funds to support our missions. As our community grows so do the needs of the individuals we serve.”
For more information and tickets please call Michael Baxter & Associates (570) 421-7466 or visit www.highfivecharityauction.com. Tickets may also be purchased from any of the participating charities. Admission tickets are $35 each with all net proceeds being shared by the five charitable organizations.
A benefit Golf Tournament for Fitzmaurice Community Services Foundation, Inc. was held on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 organized by the Fraternal Order of Eagles, No. 1106, in Stroudsburg.
The tournament was held at the Glenbrook Golf Course where over ninety participants were in attendance. Each golfer received a “goodie bag,” door prizes, and competition prizes donated by many local businesses.
Fitzmaurice Community Services Foundation would like to thank the Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 1106, all participants, and local businesses for helping raise over $2500 to benefit our consumers and their families.
Fitzmaurice Community Services, Inc. (FCS) is a non-for-profit organization that has been Building Brighter Futures for over 45 years for Adults with Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and their families. Our philosophy is to create a rich environment that empowers our clients to achieve independence, individuality, productivity and inclusion in the community.
The Fraternal Order of Eagles, Stroudsburg #1106 was established as a non-profit organization in 1898, and has developed programs to help members of the community with a commitment to support its members and the community by raising money for local and national charities.
Consumers of Fitzmaurice enjoyed the Annual Holiday parties held on December 3rd and 4th. Great food, music, and GIFTS at the West End Fire Company.
June 26, 2013
Staci Sullivan, FCS’s Regional Auto Leasing Representative from Enterprise and Patricia Bretz, Enterprise Sr. Customer Service Representative presented FCS Foundation with a $2000 donation. The Grant was requested by Staci Sullivan, and provided by the Enterprise Holdings Foundation who provides charitable support to non-profits thus enhancing the quality of life in communities they serve.
Enterprises generosity will assist many FCS consumers achieve a better life in our community. Staci Sullivan expressed her excitement as she looks forward to giving back to Enterprises non-profit customers, and is happy that Enterprise Holdings Foundation recognizes the need to give back. Enterprise and Fitzmaurice Community Services… “Building Brighter Futures!”
May 17, 2013
In honor of Mental Health Awareness throughout the month of May, Fitzmaurice Community Services staff and consumers participated at the Thirteenth Annual Mental Health Awareness Walk in Stroudsburg.
Carbon-Monroe-Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services (MH/DS), along with Community Support Programs of Carbon, Monroe and Pike Counties sponsored the annual event. The walk began at the New Hope Recovery Work Center on Main St. in Stroudsburg, and concluded with a BBQ at the Dansbury Park pavilion. The event was an opportunity for individuals, families, advocates, and the community in general to come together to dispel the myth of mental illness and to heighten awareness of attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices that hinder recovery.
FCS offers many services for individuals with Behavioral Health Disorders, with the main goal to achieve recovery and independence within our community. We pride ourselves in exceeding client & family expectations by providing environments that promote growth, success and friendships. This is accomplished by consumers, family members, Direct Support Professional Staff and the community working together. For more information regarding FCS’s Behavioral Health Services, click here, or contact us at enews@fitzmaurice.org.
March 27, 2013
FCS was one of the 200 businesses showcasing its’ services at the Annual Greater Pocono Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, March 22nd and 23rd at the Koehler Fieldhouse of East Stroudsburg University.
In addition to booth visitors learning about FCS’s services for clients and community members, one of the highlights was the
chance to “Guess the Candy Eggs,” and win an FCS/Liztech Pin valued at $55.
Our two lucky winners this year were the Connely Family , and Andrea Reiter both from Stroudsburg. They were presented with a holiday themed Easter Bunny and a beautiful FCS Liztech Pin.
Congratulations, and thanks for visiting us at the 2013 Business Expo
The Forth Annual Breakfast with Santa kicked off the Holidays Saturday, December 1st at the FCS Administration Building.
Pancakes and sausage, along with hot cocoa and whipped cream was served for breakfast, and kids of ALL AGES took part in singing their favorite Holiday tune, and crafting a special Holiday ornaments. Let’s not forget the STAR of the day – SANTA was there with Mrs. Claus to hear what’s on everyone’s wish list for 2012!
Congratulations to FCS’s Beth Booterbaugh for being recognized by the Caron-Monroe-Pike MH/DS’s Advisory Board.
The 2012 Advisory Board for MH/DS held their Annual Dinner Meeting on Wednesday, October 24th at the Stroudsmoor Country Inn where Beth was honored. Beth, the Vice President of Behavioral Health Services, was recognized for her hard work, dedication and kindness in working in the behavioral health field, consistently going the extra mile for consumers. Beth was also commended on her responsiveness to families in terms of helping them understand, negotiate and navigate the mental health system.
Deb Scocozza, Executive Vice President of FCS, commented “…Beth focuses on the needs of the consumers, all while hiring and training caring and competent staff, setting up new homes, and establishing goodwill among neighbors. In addition, it was Beth’s success with the CHIPPS program that paved the way for future CHIPP projects. And for that she has made an everlasting impact on recovery within Carbon-Monroe-Pike MH/DS.”
Congratulations Beth on your accomplishments and recognition!
Joan Menhennett, Consumer Finance Supervisor, celebrated Thursday, June 24, 2012 by graduating from the Leadership Pocono Program!
Joan was chosen to participate in the Leadership Pocono, by the FCS Executive Team. Liz Koster, President & CEO, weighed in on why Joan was chosen, “…watching Joan grow a department like Consumer Finance, and leading a team of individuals with professionalism and success, I knew the Leadership Pocono experience would broaden her horizons and give her more opportunities to explore community service and leadership.”
In addition to Leadership Pocono’s intensive monthly educational sessions, Joan was part of a team of individuals participated in a Community Project for Easter Seals of Eastern PA. The Team was responsible for the promotion of Easter Seals “Growing Green” which is an environmentally friendly summer residential camp – held at the Pocono Environmental Education Center in the Pocono Mountains – for campers with special needs; something that is near and dear to her.
Joan commented as the Leadership Pocono 2012 commencement neared, “…Having participated with community leaders and my classmates has taken me from being agreeable to being enthusiastic and truly engaged in the prospect of me being a Leader in all areas of my life. …The guidance I received has enabled me to be a more effective supervisor at work. I am more aware of the opportunities that the Pocono region has to offer the community and how valuable we all are in making a difference.”
Leadership Pocono is a subsidiary of the Greater Pocono Chamber of Commerce with a mission ‘to educate and transform future leaders through interactive learning so they can serve the needs of a growing and vibrant, diverse community.’ We congratulate Joan with her new found accomplishment being a Leadership Pocono Alumn of 2012!
In recognition and celebration of FCS’s 45th Anniversary and “Building Brighter Futures” in the Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Northampton Counties, Rosemary M. Brown of the PA House of Representatives, 189th District, presented FCS with a plaque on behalf of the People of the County of Monroe & Pike Counties, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The past 4 ½ decades Fitzmaurice Community Services has grown from serving 6 gentlemen who had resided in White Haven State Institution in 1966 to serving well over 500 individuals today. The organization has seen its workforce grow from 2 in 1966 (Liz Koster, President & CEO & her Mother, Johanna Fitzmaurice) to over 250 in 2011.
Along with the steady growth Fitzmaurice has seen the steady progress in how the community supports persons with disabilities. Liz Koster, President and CEO added at the Gala…”Your generous spirit at fundraisers, like this event tonight, your hiring practices; some of our Consumers work for you, your welcoming spirit; some of our Consumers live down the street from you, go to church with you, or sit at the next table at the local restaurant.”
In addition to the Gala, Fitzmaurice Community Services celebrated those in the community that have dedicated themselves to the spirit and wellbeing of our community as a whole.
The Johanna Fitzmaurice Community Service Award was presented to The Bushkill Group’s Andrew Worthington, President & CEO for their volunteer services, providing a leadership role, advocacy and upstanding citizens in our community. The Bushkill Group, Inc. consistently maintains a strong presence in the community involving themselves with charitable causes. Whether it is donating manpower, supplies, time or money, through their benevolence, they not only benefit the community and charitable organizations, they promote a sense of involvement and teamwork among their employees.
Other honorees of the evening included Dale Kerzmann who was presented with the Entrepreneurial Spirit Award. Dale started a farm fresh egg business from scratch growing it to selling dozens of eggs to the community on a weekly basis. The Spirit of Volunteerism Awards were presented to Joan Groff of the Fitzmaurice Community Services Foundation and Kate White of the Bushkill Group whom also serves on the FCS Foundation Board of Directors. Their vast knowledge of the non-profit sector and forging close relationships with those that have passion makes them stand out in a crowd.
Fitzmaurice Community Services entered their nomination for “The Healthiest Workplace of the Year” for 100 employees and over, and took home the honors. FCS was evaluated on strength, results, and creativity of their wellness program which included such things as a smoke free workplace, Lectures and Trainings from local healthcare and wellness professionals, in addition to promoting wellness through incentives like weight loss program reimbursements, and gym membership reimbursements.
Fitzmaurice Community Services is considered a leading social service provider serving the needs of adults with developmental or behavioral health disabilities on Monroe, Carbon, Pike and Northampton Counties. To learn more about FCS visit www.fitzmaurice.org.
September 20, 2011
Margaret selflessly took time out of her weekend in June and volunteered to assist a talented consumer in need. A local Church was holding a craft fair where FCS sponsored consumers to showcase their talents. A very talented consumer that creates jewelry and ceramic sculptures was unable to attend the fair, as she cares for her wheelchair bound husband. …Margaret stepped up to the plate! She stood in at the craft fair as “sales associate” for this consumer, and profited over $175 in jewelry sales.
On September 20th the Management Team of FCS surprised Margaret with balloons, a $100 gift certificate and a certificate of appreciation for her genuine consideration toward the needs of our consumers.
On Wednesday, April 6th, staff and consumers were surprised to find the FCS Management Team at the door with balloons & certificates to recognize Betsy & Janet. Both received a $100 Visa Gift Card, and a certificate of appreciation. This recognition also qualifies them for the honor of Employee of the Year to be presented in November of 2011.
In addition to booth visitors learning about FCS’s services for clients and community members, one of the highlights was the chance to “Guess the Gems” in the treasure chest, and win an FCS/Liztech Pin valued at $55.
There were two lucky winners who guessed within hundreds of the 3,458 gems in the chest; Justine Horvath, and Louise McDermott both of the Stroudsburg area. The two stopped by the FCS Administrative Offices to pick up their “treasures,” and were delighted with their winnings. Louise McDermott commented, …”I’ve always admired Liztech Jewelry, and was very pleased to have a custom Liztech design honoring FCS…”
Thanks to all who stopped by and checked us out at Expo 2011!
November 20, 2010
Fitzmaurice Community Services, Inc., a leading organization for individuals with Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities, honors senior employees serving fifteen years and over at its annual Employee Appreciation Luncheon.
It takes a special kind of person to care for individuals with disabilities, and Fitzmaurice Community Services has retained the cream of the crop. Seventeen of Fitzmaurice’s “finest” were recognized for their commitment to the organization’s mission, vision and its consumers for fifteen years of tenor and over. Long time Direct Support Professionals who care for consumer’s daily needs up to Executive Management who have worked their way through the ranks were part of the recognition, including Fitzmaurice’s own Liz Koster, President & CEO clocking in at 35 years.
The Human Services field is a rewarding career path that can open many doors within the Social Services realm offering ongoing education and advancement to professional individuals that are not looking for simply “a job.” Annette Keenhold has been with FCS for the past 21 years beginning as a Program Manager for four of FCS group homes, and moved on to the Supported Living Program. She states, “…I see positive changes every day, and the most rewarding aspect of my position is to see the appreciation from whom I work with for my assistance. I enjoy participating in consumer’s interests and hobbies, and encourage them to follow their desires and reach their goals.”
Fitzmaurice Community Services, Inc. is a non-for-profit organization that has been Building Brighter Futures for over forty years for Adults with Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and their families. We pride ourselves with exceeding client and family expectations by providing environments that promote growth, success and friendships. This is accomplished by consumers, family members, and our staff and the community working together. To learn more on how you can make a difference with a rewarding career go to www.fitzmaurice.org/careers, or contact Fitzmaurice Community Services, Inc. at (570) 424-6223.
FCS’s Phyllis Cannon Recognized at MHMR Advisory Board Dinner
October 26, 2010
Making a difference in the community is what it’s all about, and FCS’s Phyllis Cannon was recognized for her unwavering dedication and care for consumers and staff .
Phyllis was presented with the MH/MR Advisory Board Direct Care Provider award Tuesday, October 26th at the Stroudsmoor Country Inn during the Annual MHMR Advisory Board Meeting & Dinner. The award was to acknowledge Phyllis’s contribution to our community as a 12 year veteran of FCS who handles her job as Receptionist with tact, professionalism, and most of all a smile. She was voted unanimously by the Carbon-Monroe-Pike MHMR Advisory Board to be recognized for her dedication.
Michelle Shaw, Advisory Board Member, presented the award stating, “…The front desk position does it all…they are the first person you see at any agency and they often set the tone for your visit. In Phyllis’s case visitors are greeted with an easy smile and an offer of assistance; and when she knows you there is a bit of chit chat or an inside joke. She not only has the heart for the job but the head as well…it is my sense that she is glue that holds the front desk area and…much more together.”
Congratulations Phyllis, and best wishes for many more GREAT years with FCS!
Fernwood Hotel and Resort/The Bushkill Group recently donated $500 to the Fitzmaurice Community Services Foundation. Liz Koster, President & CEO commented, “…we are very appreciative of Fernwood’s ongoing support…”
Fernwood Hotel & Resort has been partnering with Fitzmaurice Community Services for many years. Their generosity has helped countless FCS consumers achieve a better life in our community.
Each year, FCS teams up with Luzerne County Community College to host an “Educator in the Workplace.” This year, FCS hosted two special education teachers from the Pleasant Valley school district.
Elizabeth Watson and Kristen Matweecha joined the FCS team on Monday, June 22nd through the 24th to shadow some of our exceptionally skilled staff members supporting our Developmentally Disabled clients. The job shadowing included working directly with a Residential Program Manager being directly involved with our clients, accompanying a Supported Living Specialist who supports clients living independently within our community, and also attended quarterly Individual Support Planning meetings.
The goal of Educator in the Workplace is for educators in our community who teach children with special needs interact with businesses, industry and community partners who support the adults with developmental & behavioral health disorders. The educators are exposed to new ideas, management strategies and requirements for success in hopes to make the classroom learning and curriculum more relevant and prepare students for success in the world of work and current skill demands.
Becoming an Eagle Scout is not an easy task, as there are certain requirements that must be accomplished prior to achieving Eagle Scout Status. Matthew was aware of FCS through his mother, Barbara Lutz who is a Fiscal Assistant with the organization. He understood that the organization just moved its office space to 2115 N. 5th St., but there was not a place outdoors where employees, consumers, as well as fellow community members can relax and enjoy nature.
Matthew approached Liz Koster, President & CEO of FCS, on his ambition to have green space at the FCS Administrative Building and build a picnic grove. Matt solicited the donations within the community for this project, and received assistance from Stroud Township, Masotti Family, Sgt. Riley of the Pocono Township Police Department, as well as a United Way Teen Works Grant for $500 toward the project.
After months of planning it came to fruition, and a beautiful area was erected with two picnic tables, benches, shrubs, and mulch among mature trees and landscape. Next time you pull into our parking lot you might see employees having lunch, consumers meeting with their support staff, and you just might find the UPS driver, or local post man having their lunch break there! Be sure to check out the peaceful area. A big thanks to Matthew Lutz, the Lutz Family, and all whom made this picnic grove possible.
The tables were packed for yet another Friendly FunRaiser night to benefit the FCS Foundation.
The FCS Foundation received $270. thanks to community members, clients and staff stopping in for a bite the night of April 28th.
We’ll keep you posted for the next fundraiser…stay tuned!
FCS Announces the First Quarter “Important Piece of the Puzzle,” 2010
The Staff and Manager of the HUD Program received special recognition as the First Quarter, 2010 Piece of the Puzzle Winners.
The nomination for the recognition was submitted by the Program Director of HUD, Roberta Redding. The staff has been caring for a consumer of HUD that is currently battling cancer. This individual is unable to eat solid food while undergoing intense treatments. The HUD staff along with Manager, Jeanette Allen, has gone above and beyond to continue to provide this individual with FCS Services. Everyone is pitching in with the personal care that is needed. The team comes in on their days off, and coordinates shifts to accommodate this consumer. The individual’s morale remains high as he is comfortable with the staff that he’s known for many years, and does not have to face the stresses of moving to another facility.
On Thursday, March 26 the HUD Staff, Management, and consumers were surprised with the entrance of President and CEO, Liz Koster, Executive VP, Deb Scocozza and Sr. Program Director, Chris Bumford. All received a $100 Visa Gift Card, a Bronze Puzzle Piece Pin, and a Certificate of Appreciation. This recognition qualifies everyone to be in the running for the honor of Employee of the Year to be presented in November of 2010.
FCS Hosts BreakfastWith Santa in December FCS held it’s first Breakfast with Santa for children and grandchildren of FCS Employees. Children ranging in age from newborn through twelve were invited. Over seventy children ran through the FCS corridors finding something to do in every corner. Holiday crafts, music, traditional carols and even Santa & Mrs. Claus were on hand.
Children were treated to a gift and a photo to remember their special holiday celebration at FCS.
Weir Lake was awarded the 4th Quarter Important Piece of the Puzzle award, and also received the Employees of the Year!
Each received a $100 gift card, a Piece of the Puzzle pin, a $25 Shoprite gift card and a Certificate of Appreciation.
Congratulations to: Program Manager, Maureen Jendrzejewski; Direct Support Professionals, Denise Hersh, Lisa Zbikowski, Michael Digilio, Yigo Diouf, Carla Dekis, Diana Anzelde, Riassa Lutz, and Aidette Villafane; and Program Director, Kimberly Burno.
Thanks to generous contributions from the following donors, many FCS
consumers enjoyed a brighter holiday season!
Patricia & William Hibschman
Mountain Pest Control
Church Women United
Barrett Elementary Center, Ms. Aiello’s 1st Grade Class
PNC Bank of Eagle Valley, E. Stroudsburg
Duane & Pam Hubbard
Janice Crisafulli
Marlene Pawlikowski
Herb Society of Monroe County
Joan Groff
Arnold & Nancy Goldfuss
Robert Hibschman
Laura Volpe
Jaimie Robins
Christopher Loedel
Lorraine Banks
Ronald J. Mishkin
Kenneth & Linda Hoelle