Family Time through Lifesharing
Lifesharing is a residential alternative in which individuals with a intellectual disability or behavioral health diagnosis become part of a family. This environment provides an atmosphere where permanent relationships are built, individuals are able to learn life skills, and grow to experience life at its fullest.
Lifesharing providers are responsible for housing, food, transportation, and personal care for their new family member, as well as assisting the achievement of the individual’s personalized goals.
These goals are based on the individual’s needs, wants, and future goals and direction. Recreational, educational, and social opportunities that the new family member shows interest in should be explored and made available to them. The individual may work, attend a vocational training program, senior or school program.
How It Works
The Fitzmaurice Community Services Lifesharing Specialists work with the Lifesharing family providers and clients to find the best match. This is accomplished by interviewing both the family and client about their lifestyles including work hours, location of residence and recreational interests.
When a possible match has been made, regular house visits begin with the client. These consist of meals together and overnight stays. During this time, the Lifesharing Specialists work on ensuring the family home meets the licensing requirements and ensures the transition process is a smooth one.
Interested in Becoming a Lifesharing Provider?
Start the application process today by contacting the Fitzmaurice Community Services Lifesharing Department at 570-202-3832.